Compagnie POC

[Création 2018]

Juggling concert

“BPM” is an outside of time concert where we look at music and listen to movement, where juggling becomes the percussions and comes alive through the music
 A concert for 2 body-percussionnists-jugglers and 1 flutist-saxophonist-tablist: 3 musicians, passionated about rhythm, juggling from Indian Rap to funk or electro. A both visual and musical travel where musicians’ complicity prevails on performance, where drops have just as much importance as virtuosity.

BPM outdoor, indoor, in circus tent

55â€Č / suitable for all (indoor : from 7 years old for indoor performance)

Technical – outdoor

Technical rider on request

Minimum space :
Flat floor (slope lower than 6%)
8 m (width)
6 m(depth)
4 m (height)
Assembly time : 3h
Disassembly Time : 1h

Having a background is preferable (wall, vegetation, 
Sound : independent
Autonomous for an audience of 400.

Technical – indoor

Technical rider on request

Minimum space :
8 at 10 m (width)
6 at 8 m(depth)
4 m (height)

Assembly time : 6h
Disassembly time : 1h00


Écriture, interprĂštes : FrĂ©dĂ©ric PĂ©rant (auteur), Mikis Papazof et Guillaume Lancou
RĂ©gisseurs : Mathieu Bonny and BenoĂźt Blaize
Créateur lumiÚre : Christophe Lecouflet
Mise en jeu :Anouch Pare et Olivier Germser
Scénographie : Ronan Menard

Coproduction, and supports

Soutiens : ItinĂ©raires Bis – Association de DĂ©veloppement Artistique et Culturel des CĂŽtes-d’Armor / Festival Les TombĂ©es de la Nuit- Rennes / Le Fourneau, Centre National des Arts de la Rue Bretagne / RĂ©seau Quatre Ass et Plus en Sud FinistĂšre / Le CarrĂ© Magique, PĂŽle National des Arts du Cirque, Lannion / L’Hermine – Sarzeau.
Partenaires : DRAC – MinistĂšre de la Culture et de la Communication / Conseil RĂ©gional de Bretagne / Conseil DĂ©partemental des CĂŽtes d’Armor / Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne / SPEDIDAM / Saint-Brieuc agglomĂ©ration.
RĂ©sidence : RĂ©seau RADAR – RĂ©seau des Arts de la Rue Bretagne / L’Estran – Guidel.


“After this show, it is impossible to see juggling in the same way. The balls bounce, slide on the arms, in the sleeves, play hide-and-seek, twirl to the music… It’s magical.”
“A careful staging down to the last bounce.”
“When juggling brings out the sounds and music of bodies.

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Compagnie POC

OVAR (Pt) – La Nuit du Cirque


Delphine Armand

+33(0)6 84 18 33 52